TTS: Toddler Temperament Scale for 1 and 2 Year Old Children

by William Fullard, Sean C. McDevitt and William B. Carey

The Toddler Temperament Scale is one of the five Carey Temperament Scales and provides information regarding stylistic aspects of behavior from the beginning of the 1st yearuntil the beginning of the 3rd year. The questionnaire is based on the landmark research of Drs. Alexander Thomas, Stella Chess and associates in the New York Longitudinal Study. Categories of temperament or behavioral style indicate the "how" of behavior, rather than the what or why.Individual responses to the environment are based on biological as well as environmental features. Research has shown that infants, children and adults differ in consistent ways from one another on these dimensions that form of the foundation of individual personality.The TTS was published in 1984 and has been used in numerous clinical and research applications over the last 25+ years.

This 97 item caregiver report questionnaire was distilled from behavioral descriptions used in the original NYLS research. The TTS measures 9 clinically important categories to describe childhood temperament:activity level, rhythmicity, adaptability, approach to novelty, emotional intensity, quality of mood, sensory sensitivity, distractibility and persistence. These dimensions are readily identified and easily understood by caregivers.

The TTS iReport Writer software creates two reports: 1) the professional report includesa temperament profile, interpretations of each category score, validity checks for missing data, social desirability and ratings/perceptions discrepancies as well as category scores, z scores and raw data; 2) the caregiver report which includes the temperamentprofile and temperament category interpretations that are personalized using the name and gender of the toddler.

TTS Uses

*Clinical use with very young children and caregivers to identify temperamental contribution to behavior and emotional expression at home and school. Especially useful in situations where caregivers identify stylistic rather than situational or contextual issues as problematic.

*Caregiver consultation to identify specific temperament profile and improve the 'goodness of fit' between caregiver and toddler in indicated areas of needed accommodation. TTS is frequently utilized in parenting, prevention and early intervention programs.

*Development of strategies for reducing aversive behavior by changing methods for dealing with conflict that is temperament related.

*Research that investigates the role of temperament in significant areas of function in the toddler period.

Materials available for the TTS (Note that costs support ongoing development of these instruments)

Scoring Methods: Hand, Online or (100% electronic)

  • Professional Practice Sets with Test Manual, Users Guide and questionnaires, scoring and profile sheets.
  • Questionnaire refills, with and without scoring and profile sheets.
    Click here.
  • TTS iReport Writer software uses and iReport Writer practice sets.
  • TTS iReport Writer CD software uses and iReport Writer practice sets
    Click here.
  • can be administered and scored on the 100% electronic website. Now available!
    Click here.