BBAS 2017- 100 Qs w. Profile Sheets-Hand Scoring
For the practitioner or researcher working with children ages 4 to 14. Develop an individualized profile of behavioral adjustment using the BASICS questionnaire. Assess behavior, achievement, self-relations, internal states, coping ability and more.
Refills include 100 questionnaires, information sheets and profile sheets for hand scoring.
See Product Page
BBAS Questionnaire for 4-14 Year Olds |
BBAS Professional Practice Set |
The BASICS Behavioral Adjustment Scale (BBAS) Practice Set |
BBAS 2017- Questionnaire and Profile Sheets |
BBAS 2017- Online scoring report |
The BBAS is 48 item parent report questionnaire that determines behavioral adjustment
in 4 to 14 year old children. Behavioral adjustment is defined by 5 areas of functioning:
Behavior in social relationships (parents, sibs, teachers, etc);
Achievement (schoolwork, homework, chores, hobbies);
Self-Relations (self-esteem, self-care, self-regulation);
Internal State (contentment, anxiety, mood, thought processes);
Coping (identifying, solving, persisting, etc);
Symptoms (eating, sleeping, elimination, etc).
The BBAS was developed by William B. Carey MD and Sean C. McDevitt, PhD and standardized on 415 children aged 4-14. It was designed to avoid some of the problems of commonly used scales currently
in use with children, such as lack of focus on behavioral assets and tendency to be too global or have too many items. New in 2017 is the separation of the Information Sheet from the BBAS Questionnaire, so that
the professional can choose to use them separately or in conjunction with one another. Online scoring can be done with or without the Information Sheet data. |
BBAS functions as: |
- A behavioral inventory of personal strengths and weakenesses
- A comprehensive review of environmental stressors and assets
- A "symptom" checklist in special behavioral areas
- A "datacatcher" for mental health history in biological relatives
- A behavioral rating scale of specific aspects of current adjustment
- A norm referenced test of behavioral adjustment in 5 important areas
Norms indicate how an individual child is adjusted compared with others in the same age group. The scale has good internal and retest reliability and there is evidence of discriminant validity
in clinical vs. nonclinical subsamples. The BBAS takes about 15 minutes to be completed by a rater, usually the primary caregiver.
Hand Scoring or Online Scoring The BBAS can be scored by hand, using a profile sheet, or on the internet by coding a specially designed questionnaire form
and processing the data into a clinical report suitable for use by a qualified professional.
With online scoring, the questionnaire results are detailed in a 3 page report that permits a view of individualareas of functioning as well as overall adjustment in the BASICS categories. |
Price: $149.95
Shipping Weight: 4.20 lbs.