professionals in the Temperament Consortium who do research, teach, practice or study in the temperament field.

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Interests in temperament:

I am mainly interested in how children's temperament works with home and classroom environment on their social and academic outcomes.

Ibrahim Acar

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

LINCOLN, Nebraska, USA

Research, Student

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Interests in temperament:

My main interests focus on child psychopathology, child anxiety, child conduct problems and psychopathy (callous-unemotional traits), parenting and observation methods (e.g., parent-child interaction). My research focuses on how parenting practices and child temperament interact; and how findings in this area can be translated into more effective early intervention and prevention strategies.

Jennifer Allen

UCL Institute of Education

London, Lecturer, UK

Clinical, Research

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Interests in temperament:

My interest in Temperament began during my doctoral graduate studies which led me to the Temperament Conference at the University of Oregon where I met many of the leaders in the forefront. It was quite an honor and a great influence in my effort to continue learning and sharing information in my practice with adults and children.

Patricia Armstrong

Interface I P.C/ Patricia Armstrong Ph.D

waterford, Michigan, USA

Clinical, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

The study of high sensitivity (sensory-processing sensitivity), including genetics and fMRI. A recent review: Personality and Social Psychology Review, August 2012 (on website under research). Public education about the trait, as well as public education about temperament in general. (see books on website above, including The Highly Sensitive Person and Highly Sensitive Child.)

Elaine Aron

Stony Brook University

Tiburon, California, USA

Clinical, Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

Development of early self-regulation including temperament, emotion regulation, and executive functions.

MarthaAnn Bell

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

We use our workbook to help parents and professionals document their day to day observations of the child/children in their care. With this temperament snapshot, we offer tools and strategies for reframing the language used to describe the child's behaviour as well as how to plan and predict a child's behaviour based on the nine temperament traits they observe.

Nanci Burns

Public School Board

Ottawa, ON Ontario, Canada

Clinical, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Interests include the nine NYLS dimensions of temperament and their application to the lives of children and their families. I also teach developmental-behavioral pediatrics to medical students, fellows, residents and community practitioners at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

William Carey

Children's Hospital, Philadelphia

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Clinical, Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

My interest is mainly in social and cultural contexts for temperament development. I have been conducting a number of large-scale longitudinal projects in different countries on children's temperamental characteristics (e.g., shyness-inhibition, self-control) and social and psychological adjustment.

Xinyin Chen

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I am interested in the interaction between child temperament and environmental factors, specifically parenting, in the development of child psychopathology.

Celine Chhoa

UCL Institute of Education

London, State/Province, Great Britain

Research, Teaching, Student

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Interests in temperament:

My interests in temperament include investigating the influence of parenting and temperament on children's cognition, academic achievement and health outcomes using longitudinal, population-based data from the UK and Australia.

Shiau Chong

University of Adelaide

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


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Interests in temperament:

Structure of temperament; Measurement of temperament; Temperament-personality relations

Jan Cieciuch

Institute of Psychology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University

Warsaw, State/Province, Poland

Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

Links between temperament and socio-emotional functioning - with a particular focus on the development and implications of childhood shyness.

Robert Coplan

Carleton University

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


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Interests in temperament:

Child temperament, mother temperament, contextual influences , Preterm birth.

Luciana Cosentino

Research Lab in Development Issues of Prevention and Child Behavior University of Sao Paulo

Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil


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Interests in temperament:

I conduct research on child, adolescent and adult temperament, and its connections with individual and family-level development and functioning with a particular emphasis on biological-environmental transactions (e.g., genetics, neural activity, physiological functioning)

Kirby Deater-Deckard

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

Clinical, Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I want to understand how the temperament-parenting interplay affects typical and atypical development.rnMy research focuses on the developing structure of temperament; the role of need-supportive parenting to promote goodness-of-fit; and how the temperament-parenting interplay explains behavioural heterogeneity in and across developmental disorders (ADHD, autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy).

Sarah DePauw

Department of Developmental, Personality and Social Psychology

Ghent, Flanders, Belgium

Clinical, Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

1) Behavioral and psychophysiological aspects of executive functioning and its association with individual differences in emotion regulation and reactivity 2) relations between sleep, emotions, and academic competence 3) whether emotions relate to social competence and subsequent problem behavior as well as 4) investigating the role of ethnicity in these relations

Anjolii Diaz

Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona, USA


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Interests in temperament:

I am a researcher who focuses on the links between temperament and such cognitive developmental areas as language acquisition and executive function. I also study how temperament moderates environmental influences on children's development.

Wallace Dixon

East Tennessee State University

Johnson City, Tennessee, USA

Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

Biological basis of temperament. Temperament - Psychopathology relation.

Wojciech Dragan

Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw

Warsaw, Mazovia, Poland

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Development of temperament in children, focusing on effortful control and emotion regulation

Alison Edwards

Arizona State University

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Research, Student

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Interests in temperament:

Teaching Psychology and topics related to temperament and its relations to pedagogical communication.

Sevdzhihan Eyubova

Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen

Shumen, State/Province, Bulgaria

Clinical, Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I’m a Child Psychologist, with an interest in Peace Psychology. My passion is PeaceLearning Parenting and The Integration Of Temperament Research and Tools For Parents and Educators in Cultivating Peace & Empathy At Home and In School✌️

Nelly Farnoody-Zahiri

University Of Palo Alto, APA, Curtis School, MomTalk TV Media

Encino, California, USA

Clinical, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Children's Temperament

Marilia Fernandes


lisbon, New york, Portugal

Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:


Marie Foley

Seton Hall University

South Orange, New jersey, USA

Clinical, Student

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Interests in temperament:

I am broadly interested in temperament and social development during toddlerhood and the early school years.

Scott Frohn

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Research, Student

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Interests in temperament:

Measurement, Relationship with real world behavior

William Fullard

Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology Temple University

Glenside, PA, USA


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Interests in temperament:

I currently am collaborating with Dr. Sandee McClowry on an ongoing trial of INSIGHTS Into Children's Temperament with a sample of PreK and K teachers in a rural, Southeastern school district. We are examining INSIGHTS' effects on teacher and student outcomes and are planning to deliver the program to a group of rural parents in the same school district.

Sandra Gagnon

Appalachian State University

Boone, North carolina, USA

Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Parenting, self-regulation

Pamela Galehouse

Seton Hall University, College of Nursing

South Orange, New Jersey, USA

Clinical, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I am primarily interested in early temperament development, links to parent-child interactions and later behavior problems, as well as cross-cultural differences in temperament development.

Maria Gartstein

Washington State University

Pullman, Washington, USA

Clinical, Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Special Education

Tara Gensler

Doctoral Graduate of Teachers College, Columbia University

Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Children's temperament in connection with individual differences in executive functions and family environment. The contribution of temperament to school functioning and behavioral problems. Cross-cultural differences in temperament.

Carmen Gonzalez-Salinas

Faculty of Psychology, University of Murcia

Murcia, Murcia, Spain

Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I am interested in whether there are positive traits that underlie temperamental difficultness in infants and young children and whether it possible that the negative aspects of a challenging temperament are merely expressions of early intelligence, creativity, sensitivity, and perceptiveness? I also examine how temperamental intensity/sensitivity affect children's sleep and parental experiences.

Macall Gordon, M.A.

Antioch University, Seattle

Seattle, WA, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Schools' Attuned Profile Advisor utilizing Research Validated/ Scientifically Based Instructional Practice inspiring Student Success with Strengths, Temperament, Mindset & Stylistic/ Entrepreneurial Talents fostering Goal Directed Persistence applying Habits of the Mind.

Ira Hancock

Certified Life Bound Academic Coach

Denver, Colorado, USA

Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Cross-cultural studies of child temperament and "goodness of fit" at home and at school.

Sara Harkness

University of Connecticut

Storrs, Connecticut, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Application of temperament theory in daily life. Education for parents and caregivers, child care providers, teachers and administrators. Workshops on team building, working relationships and employee stress.

Lori Hayungs

Iowa State University Exension and Outreach Human Sciences



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Interests in temperament:

I am interested in (a) the role of early temperament on children�s social development, (b) affective and cognitive influences on self-regulation in typically- and atypically-developing children, and (c) developmental psychophysiology.

Heather Henderson

University of Waterloo

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I strive to conceptualize the whole individual with focus on strengths and assets as well as the interplay with sensory issues, executive functioning, and emotionality on overall functioning. As a psychologist, I do diagnose clinical conditions; however, I am more interested in identification of core areas for intervention especially for complex cases and those with autism spectrum diso

Michelle Hintz

Cadenza Center for Psychotherapy & the Arts

Hollywood, Florida, USA


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Interests in temperament:

Private practice helping parents understand and manage their children who exhibit behavioral &/or learning problems, including ADHD. Co-Director for the Center for Resilience and Development, which does clinical research.

Robert Hudson

University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine Tulsa, CoDirector for the Center for Resilience

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Clinical, Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

I consult with parents about children's behavioral challenges using temperament as a baseline for understanding those behaviors and work to develop behavioral strategies that are consistent with their child's temperament.

Ruth Jaeger

Psychotherapy Practice and Clinical Health Educator Kaiser Permanente Dept of Pediatrics

San Rafael, California, USA

Clinical, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My interest is in how people's emotional predilections come to be: through the confluence of nature and nurture (epigenetics). Parallel interests are in Ernest Hartmann's concept of thick and thin boundaries, the neurobiology of highly sensitive people, and connections between personality and health.

Michael Jawer

Emotion Gateway Research Center

Vienna, Virginia, USA

Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Role of temperament in children's mental health

Cindy Johnson

private practice

Anoka, Minnesota, USA


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Interests in temperament:

Dissertation concerning the effects of the interaction of temperament variables on family functioning, parental stress, and adoption satisfaction within an adoption population.

Jason Jordan

Trevecca Nazarene University

Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA

Clinical, Research, Education, Student

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Interests in temperament:

Temperament in the context of family relationships, empathy and parental responsiveness.

Maria Kazmierczak

University of Gdansk, Institute of Psychology

Gdansk, State/Province, Poland

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Temperament has been extremely important in my clinical practice, especially in child neuropsychological assessment. My focus is not only adapting conditions to better suite the child, but also developing strategies (Playful Ploys) parents can use to temper problematic extremes of temperament. Another interest is using temperament to determine most effective form of therapeutic intervention.

Wayne Klein

Family Neuropsychology, Telepsychology of Massachusetts, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

Franklin, Massachusetts, USA


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Interests in temperament:

I work with parents and professionals living and working with spirited children. I provide one -one private consultations in-person and via phone and Skype. I also lead classes and workshops. I am a frequent keynote speaker for conferences

Mary Kurcinka


Bozeman, Montana, USA

Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My work examines the roles of temperament and relational qualities and processes in shaping children's social, emotional, and moral development.

Deborah Laible

Lehigh University

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Development of temperament; measurement of temperament; temperament and learning.

Tomas Lazdauskas

Vilnius University, Institute of Psychology

Vilnius, Lithuania

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Areas of interest:Temperament and personality assessement, Association between traits and psychopathology (especially personality disorders and antisocial behavior)

Yann Le Corff

Université de Sherbrooke

Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I am primarily interested in temperament development and trajectories, links to parent-child interactions, behavior problems and school readiness/achievement/adaptation

JeanPascal Lemelin

Departement de psychoeducation, Universite de Sherbrooke

Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My research focuses on children's resilient and vulnerable responses to experiences of economic disadvantage and adversity, identifying protective factors that promote children's social, emotional and academic competence in the face of adversity, or vulnerabilities that increase the risk of psychopathology. These factors include parenting, and child characteristics such as temperament and copin

Liliana Lengua

University of Washington, Psychology, Center for Child and Family Well-being

Seattle, Washington, USA

Clinical, Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I am interested in how individual differences in temperament (beginning in infancy) interact with parenting behaviors to predict child emotion regulation development with mothers and fathers.

Diane Lickenbrock

Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA


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Interests in temperament:

(1) Contributions of temperament to development of regulation and emerging behavior problems, especially of surgency/approach/impulsivity; (2) influence of prenatal stress on temperament in young children; (3) temperamental reactivity as a susceptibility/protective factor for later adjustment

Betty Lin

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Clinical, Research

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Interests in temperament:

Emotion that is inappropriate for the context, for example anger in positive contexts, and associations with psychobiology, emotional understanding, social experiences, and maladaptive behavior.

Robin Locke

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My interest is in the developmental influences of temperament in relation to emotional regulation and on schema development.

Tanya Mah

Tanya Mah Psychological Services

Edmonton, Canada


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Interests in temperament:

Temperament and parenting; measurement of temperament (observations and questionnaires); (inhibited) temperament as a predictor of psychopathology (anxiety); cross-cultural aspects of temperament.

Mirjana Majdandzic

University of Amsterdam, Research Institute Child Development and Education

Amsterdam, State/Province, Netherlands

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

At this time I am most focused on cross-cultural, multi-method approaches to studying the implications of maternal temperament for coping and well-being in the postpartum period.

Caroline Mavridis

University of Connecticut - Center for the Study of Culture, Health and Human Development

Storrs, Connecticut, USA


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Interests in temperament:

I am the developer of INSIGHTS into Children's Temperament and was the principal investigator of the three randomized clinical trials that tested its efficacy. Publications are available on our website. I also have a small private practice in New Fairfield, CT.

Sandee McClowry

New York University

New York, New York, USA

Clinical, Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My interests include measurement of temperament, clinical applications and the relationship between temperament and psychopathology.

Sean McDevitt

AZ Behavioral Health Specialists, LLC

Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Clinical, Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

My interests are in temperament with parenting, mental health, and it's affect on learning and cognitive processing.

Patricia McGuire

Patricia McGuire MD FAAP

Cadott, WI, USA

Clinical, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My research interests relate to understanding environmental, interpersonal and biological processes that influence emotion reactivity and self-regulation during childhood and adolescence, interactions between these aspects of temperament, and in the role that these processes play in vulnerability or resiliency to the onset of mental health problems.

Lyndsey Moran

McLean Hospital/Harvard Med School; Boston Child Study Center

Boston, MA, USA

Clinical, Research

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Interests in temperament:

My goal is to help parents understand and work with their child’s inborn traits. As a registered nurse, I’ve worked as a pediatric Temperament Counselor at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California 25 years. Books include: Temperament Tools—Working with Your Child’s Inborn Traits; Is this a Phase? and Baby-Friendly Sleep Lessons. I also volunteer with The Preventive Ounce: www.preventiveo

Helen Neville

pediatric clinical practice, author

Oakland, California, USA

Clinical, Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I am an assistant professor in child development.

Pamela Norcross

Meredith College

Raleigh, NC, USA

Clinical, Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Interested in the role of temperament and attachment in relational interventions for preschool children and their families.

Kare Olafsen

Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, East and South (RBUP East and South)

Oslo, East and south, Norway

Clinical, Research

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Interests in temperament:

I am involved in a large longitudinal study called Growing Up in New Zealand ( N = 6500 approx). We started collecting data at 9 months using IBQ-R-VSF. I am interested in the development of temperament and its relationship to other socio-emotional and cognitive outcomes as children grow. I am also interested in cultural differences in temperament.

Elizabeth Peterson

University of Auckland

Auckland, State/Province, New Zealand

Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I am interested in the structure, stability and measurement of child temperament, highly reactive children, and the interaction of children's temperament and parenting practices and beliefs.

Amanda Prokasky

University of Nebraska- Lincoln

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

Theoretical and empirical connections between temperament, socioemotional behavior, and personality traits within a 42-year longitudinal study. Individual differences are discussed in my upcoming book on human development from middle childhood to middle adulthood.

Lea Pulkkinen

Professor of Psychology, Emerita, University of Jyväskylä

Helsinki, State/Province, Finland


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Interests in temperament:

Three primary themes characterize my scholarship. First, with Mary Rothbart and others, I have developed and refined questionnaires to efficiently measure fine and broad aspects of temperament. Second, with Masha Gartstein and our colleagues, I have explored variability between individuals from different countries. Finally, I am intrigued by interactions between parenting and temperament.

Sam Putnam

Bowdoin College

Brunswick, Maine, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I enjoy sharing the topic of temperament with early childhood professionals and parents.

Malisa Rader

Iowa State University Extension & Outreach

Jewell, Iowa, USA

Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

As a professor of Child Development, I am interested temperament as it applies to typical and atypical development.

Cindy Ratekin

CA State University at Chico

Chico, California, USA


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Interests in temperament:

I'm a temperament specialist and parenting coach in the S.F. Bay area and via skype or phone. I'm the author of "Is That Me Yelling?" It's a book for parents with a focus on temperament, discipline, and mindfulness. I do trainings for parents, teachers, childcare providers, and other professionals, on parenting challenges, temperament, discipline, and ADHD. I'm also a radio show host

Rona Renner

Private practice

Berkeley, California, USA

Clinical, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Hi. I'm interested especially in the interface and boundaries between temperament traits and psychiatric disorders/symptoms as well as relations between temperament and parenting.

David Rettew

University of Vermont College of Medicine, Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics

Burlington, Vermont, USA

Clinical, Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

I study the development of temperament and personality during adolescence and early adulthood, with an emphasis on risk and resilience factors associated with depression, self-esteem, academic failure, antisocial behavior, and substance use. I am the director of the California Families Project, an ongoing 12-year longitudinal study of 674 Mexican-origin youth (age 10-21) and their parents.

Richard Robins

Department of Psychology, UC Davis

Davis, California, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My involvement with temperament has been both theoretical and empirical. I and my colleagues have done work with parent and self-report temperament questionnaires, laboratory observations, and studies linking temperament to brain development. I have also attempted to integrate our current knowledge about temperament in the book, Becoming Who We Are: Temperament and Personality in Development.

Mary Rothbart

Distinguished Professor of Psychology Emerita, University of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon, USA

Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Behavioral inhibition; social withdrawal; child/adolescent temperament & personality; longitudinal and cross-cultural research re: temperament; peer relations; parenting; early intervention.

Kenneth Rubin

Professor Emeritus, Department of Human Development & Quantitative Methodology, U. Maryland

College Park, Maryland, USA

Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

I study children's temperament, particularly as it unfolds in school and classroom settings and is related to children's social and academic success. This work includes a primary focus on the roles of support at school (e.g., teacher-child relationships, classroom quality) in understanding the ways in which children with different temperaments adapt to the demands of the classroom environment.

Kathleen Rudasill

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Contribution of children's temperament to socio-emotional characteristics and academic outcomes. Relations between temperament and executive functions.

Noelia Sanchez

University of Murcia

Murcia, Murcia, Spain

Research, Student

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Interests in temperament:

My primary research area is the etiology of individual differences in temperament and developmental change in temperament with a particular focus on activity level. As director of the Boston University Twin Project, I use twins to tease apart genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in temperament and related behaviors.

Kimberly Saudino

Boston University, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Boston, Massachusetts, USA


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Interests in temperament:

Working with groups of parents of difficult preschoolers, the temperament approach makes a lot a sense to me

Maria Seabra

Faculty of Psychology, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Clinical, Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Measurement, Developmental Psychopathology

Ronald Seifer

Brown University/E. P. Bradley Hospital

East Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Temperament as a vital influence and resource for parents, teachers, couples, families and individuals of all ages. Blog:

Alice Shannon

Private Practice

Arcata, California, USA

Clinical, Education

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Interests in temperament:

My research centers on temperament and personality development in youth and young adults, including structure, stability and change, and the influence of traits on positive life outcomes and the emergence of psychopathology. I am an Associate Editor at the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and serve as Executive Officer for the Association for Research in Personality.

Rebecca Shiner

Colgate University

Hamilton, New York, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Early temperament, links with child personality, well-being and mental health.

Helena Slobodskaya

Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine, Novosibirsk State University

Novosibirsk, Novosibirk region, Russia


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Interests in temperament:

Development of emotion regulation considering temperament and socialization and the interaction of the two.

Cynthia Smith

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, Virginia, USA


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Interests in temperament:

I am a Senior Research Fellow in paediatrics and public health. My interests are around how temperament in infancy and parenting combine to influence the health of children. My research involves large-scale population-level (not clinical) research on temperament.

Lisa Smithers

University of Adelaide, School of Population Health

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


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Interests in temperament:

My interests are in understanding the role of effortful and reactive control to young children's social and emotional outcomes. I also emphasize the role of socialization in these relations.

Tracy Spinrad

Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona, USA


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Interests in temperament:

I am currently undertaking a PhD investigating the role of temperament in intergenerational cycles of mental health. Specifically, I am examining the prospective associations of maternal preconception mental disorder from adolescence to young adulthood, with offspring reactivity in infancy.

Liz Spry

Centre for Adolescent Health, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Deakin University

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Research, Student

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Interests in temperament:

My primary interests concern the cultural shaping of human development. Temperament is an essential construct in that regard and how it plays out in various cultural contexts provides an excellent example of "goodness of fit."

Charles Super

University of Connecticut

Woodstock, CT, USA

Education, Teaching, Student

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Interests in temperament:

Self-control, psychopathology, measurement, biomarkers

Jennifer Tackett

University of Houston

Houston, Texas, USA

Clinical, Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My interests include the measurement of temperament as well as contributions of temperament to the development of mental models for understanding self, others, and the world (e.g. understanding emotions), to experiencing and coping with stress, and more generally, to mental health.

Hedwig Teglasi

University of Maryland, College Park

Potomac, Maryland, USA

Research, Education, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

My interests are in adult temperament and neurochemical basis of temperament traits. We developed a Compact version of the Structure of Temperament Questionnaire (STQ-77) based on neurochemical model Functional Ensemble of Temperament (FET). FET has 12 components: 3 emotionality scales and 9 activity-related scales, assessing endurance, speed of integration and orientational aspects of behavior.

Irina Trofimova

McMaster University, Department of Psychiatry and Beh.Neurosciences

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Clinical, Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Temperament is the key to learning. What you know is what you know, how you feel and how you are defines what you do with what you know.

Mark Turner

Hiiye'yu Lelum (House of Friendship) Society, Aboriginal Friendship Centre

Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Education, Student

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Interests in temperament:

Research on temperament.

Fitim Uka

University of Prishtina

Prishtina, Kosovo, Albania

Clinical, Research

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Interests in temperament:

Infant temperament, parenting behaviors, and their impact on later emotional regulation and behavioral problems

Josh Underwood

Washington State University

Pullman, Washington, USA

Clinical, Research, Student

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Interests in temperament:

Temperament development (stability and change). Relation temperament - personality. Relation temperament or personality with relationships and psychosocial functioning.

Marcel van Aken

Utrecht University, Dept of Developmental Psychology

Utrecht, Netherlands


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Interests in temperament:

It is a great way to a better understanding of each other!

Annie Vance

Psychotherapy Practice

Simi Valley, California, USA


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Interests in temperament:

Inhibited child

PeiLing Wang

University of Taipei

Taipei, Republic of China, Taiwan

Research, Education

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Interests in temperament:

I been using temperament assessments since being trained by Jan Krystal many years ago. The information obtained through an assessment and consultation is very beneficial for parents, the child / families / teachers.

Barbara Werre

Essentials of Life Counseling Services

Moorhead, Minnesota, USA


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Interests in temperament:

Research interest in the relationship between temperament and the physiological impact of stress. Clinical interest in assessment, and the influence of temperament on relationship satisfaction.

Vicki Williams

Private Practice

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


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Interests in temperament:

Temperament and its role in early excess weight gain, e.g., low activity level, sensory threshold and food finickiness

John Worobey

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

Research, Teaching

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Interests in temperament:

Interests include behavioral genetics, temperoment, depression, anxiety, parenting and gene.

Bao Zhao

College of Psychology

Jinan, State/Province, China

Research, Education, Teaching, Student

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Interests in temperament:

I am interested in the interrelations and interactions among child temperament, family environment, and socio-cultural contexts in shaping children's socio-emotional and mental health adjustment.

Qing Zhou

Department of Psychology, University of California Berkeley

Berkeley, California, USA

Research, Education, Teaching

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