Bowdoin College, Ocotber 8th - 10th 2010
Friday, October 8
9:30 am Preconference on person-centered analysis
Chair: Roy Martin (University of Georgia)
1:30 pm Preconference on clinical applications
Chairs: Sean C. McDevitt (Behavioral-Development Initiatives) and William B. Carey (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
1:30 pm Preconference on interpretation of cross-cultural data
Chairs: Charles Super (University of Connecticut) and Maria A. Gartstein (Washington State University)
Saturday, October 9
8:00 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Introductory Remarks
Samuel P. Putnam (Bowdoin College)
9:15 am Tribute to Jan Kristal and Announcement of Kristal Award
Helen F. Neville (Kaiser Permanente)
9:30 am Session 1: Symposium on Parenting
and Environment Effects on Temperament
Chair: David J. Bridgett (Northern
Illinois University)
Paloma Gonzales, Miguel Angel Carrasco, Rodolfo Gordillo, Victoria del Barrio and Pablo Holgado (National University of Distance Education, Madrid, Spain)
Temperament and Parenting in the Development of Aggressive Behavior in children 0 to 6 Years
David J. Bridgett (Northern Illinois University), Kate Lance (Northern Illinois University) and Linda C. Mayes (Yale University School of Medicine)
Development of Inhibitory Control from School-Age to Pre-Adolescence and Subsequent Aggressive Behavior: The Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, Gender, and Cumulative Risk
Jodi Swanson, Carlos Valiente, and Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant (Arizona State University)
Predicting Academic Achievement from Cumulative Home Risk: The Mediating Roles of Effortful Control, Academic Relationships, and School Avoidance
Tracy L. Spinrad, Nancy Eisenberg, and Kassondra Silva (Arizona State University)
Longitudinal Relations among Maternal Behaviors, Effortful Control, Impulsivity and Young ChildrenÕs Committed Compliance
Susan C. Crockenberg (University of Vermont) and Esther M. Leerkes (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
Maternal Sensitivity: Especially Important for Negatively Reactive Infants
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Session 2: Symposium on Non-clinical applications
Chair: Roy Martin (University of Georgia)
Erin E. OÕConnor, Eileen T. Rodriguez, Elise Cappella, Jordan G. Morris, Ashleigh J. Collins, and Sandee G. McClowry (New York University)
A Comparison of Parallel and Collaborative Versions of INSIGHTS on Child Disruptive Behavior and ParentsÕ Sense of Competency
Roy Martin (University of Georgia)
Toward a typology of typical children
Ivan Mervielde and Sarah DePauw (Ghent University, Belgium)
Temperament and personality pathways toward internalizing and externalizing behavior
Kathleen Moritz Rudasill (University of Louisville, USA)
Child temperament, teacher-child interactions, and teacher-child relationships
Lore Willem (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Reactive and self-regulatory temperament in relation to alcohol use in adolescence
12:45 pm Lunch
1:45 pm Session 3: Posters
3:45 pm Session 4: Guided Discussion: What is temperament now?
Chair: Rebecca Shiner (Colgate University)
Participants: Sandee McClowry (New York University, Samuel P. Putnam (Bowdoin College), Kimberly Saudino (Boston University), Rebecca Shiner (Colgate University) and Marcel Zentner (University of York)
5:15 pm Break
6:00 pm Keynote Address: The Temperamental Threads
Jerome Kagan (Harvard University)
7:30 pm Dinner
Sunday, October 10
8:00 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Introductory Remarks and Announcements (Putnam)
9:15 am Session 5: Symposium on Clinical
Issues: Prevention and Early Intervention
Sean C. McDevitt (Behavioral-Development Initiatives) and William B. Carey
(Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Barbara Medoff-Cooper (University of Pennsylvania)
Working with temperament in medically fragile infants
Mary Kurcinka
Spirited Infants: Effective Sleep Practices
Helen F. Neville (Kaiser Permanente) and James Cameron (The Preventive Ounce)
Temperament as a Preventive Strategy in a Large Pediatric Clinic
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Session 6: Symposium on Clinical issues: Pediatrics and Psychopathology
Co-Chairs: William B. Carey (ChildrenÕs Hospital of Philadelphia)
and Sean C. McDevitt (Behavioral-Development Initiatives)
William B. Carey (ChildrenÕs Hospital of Philadelphia)
The Role of Temperament in Pediatric Primary Care
Robert J. Hudson (University of Oklahoma)
Nurturing Nature: A Long Range Parental Guidance Program
Sean C. McDevitt (Behavioral-Development Initiatives)
Temperament, Adjustment & Psychopathology: A Proposed Taxonomy of Fit with Implications for Clinical Assessment and Management
12:30 pm Lunch
1:45 pm Session 7: Symposium on Cognition-Temperament Links
Co-Chairs: Wallace E. Dixon (East Tennessee State University and Hedwig Teglasi-Golubcow (University of Maryland)
Wallace Dixon (East Tennessee State University)
Temperament-Cognition Links: The Toddler Years
Martha Ann Bell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Temperament-Cognition Links: The Preschool Years
Hedwig Teglasi-Golubcow (University of Maryland)
Temperament-Cognition Links: The Childhood and Adolescent Years
3:15 pm Break
3:30 pm Session 8: Symposium on Culture and Temperament
Co-Chairs: Maria A. Gartstein (Washington State University) and Charles Super (University of Connecticut)
Mary Sutherland, Charles M. Super, Marjolijn J. M. Bloom, & Sara Harkness (University of Connecticut)
Infants reaction to a two-minute restraint procedure in the US and the Netherlands.
Maria A. Gartstein (Washington State University), Carmen Gonzalez (University of Murcia, Spain), Jose Antonio Carranza (University of Murcia, Spain) and Jennifer Self, Ph.D. (Washington State University)
A Cross-Cultural Study of Infant Fear: Laboratory Observations and Parent-report from U.S. and Spain.
Caroline Mavridis, Sara Harkness, Ughetta Moscardino, Moisˇs Rio Bermudez, & Charles M. Super (University of Connecticut).
Infant temperament and maternal mood in Italy, Spain, and the U.S.
Sara Harkness, Charles M. Super, Marjolijn J. M. Bloom, & Ughetta Moscardino. (University of Connecticut)
Socialization for High Intensity Pleasure and for Low Intensity Pleasure: A comparison of infant care in Italy and the Netherlands.
5:00 pm Closing Remarks and Discussion
Barbara Keogh (University of California, Los Angeles)
5:45 pm Planning Meeting
Open to all, moderated by none
6:30 pm Close
Sam Putnam
Associate Professor and Chair
Psychology Department, Bowdoin College
6900 College Station
Brunswick, ME 04011