
Thomas & Chess on Behavioral Individuality

Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess discuss temperament qualities in children.

What's New

As seen in Health Magazine, understanding temperament can help find the real you! The NYLS Adult Temperament Questionnaire is now available on the web. The 54 item questionnaire can be accessed, scored and interpreted in minutes online. The ATQ returns scores on same the nine temperament dimensions that are measured in infants and children with the Carey Temperament Scales. Unlike the CTS, individuals may self-refer and complete the questionnaire independently, without the involvement of a professional person. The scoring service costs $12.00 and is prepaid by credit card. The temperament profile and report appear on the browser screen within seconds of completing the questionnaire ratings. A confirmation number emailed to the individual allows retrieval of the profile for 1 year following completion.

Get more details from the ATQ on the Web page

Update 10/29/01

The 14th Occasional Temperament Conference will be held October 4-6, 2002 in Newport Beach, California. OTC 2002 will be hosted by Diana Wright Guerin, PhD and colleagues from the Department of Child and Adolescent Studies at California State University, Fullerton.

Get details on the meetings page.

Update 7/14/2001

William B. Carey, MD recently spoke to the American Enterprise Institute panel on the prescription of Ritalin for the treatment of ADHD. The hearings were to determine whether a conspiracy existed between the drug companies and the American Psychiatric Association to promote use of stimulant medications. Dr. Carey's remarks emphasized the problems that still exist today in making the diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment for children who have the disorder without diagnosing and treating normal temperament variations as if they reflected ADHD.

Click here to read Dr.Carey's remarks.

Update 5/4/2001 :Coming soon!!!