B-DI Coming Soon

 B-DI Coming Soon...

The ADTQ: The Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire.

Derived from the ATQ for adults, the Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire for 13-18 year olds is under development. A self-report instrument measuring the NYLS temperament characteristics, the ADTQ has passed the tryout phase and will be undergoing standardization.

TACTIC: The Teacher and Caregiver Temperament Inventory for Children

TACTIC is a 97 item rating scale that assesses temperament and screens for attentional and behavioral problems in children 2 to 6 years of age.

The questionnaire is completed by the preschool teacher or other caregiver and rates the nine NYLS temperament characteristics while also screening for conduct, emotional and attentional problems. It is anticipated that TACTIC will be used by professionals who require unbiased ratings of behavior from a caregiver in an out-of-home setting, and will serve as a basis for both assessment of the child and consultation with the caregiver.

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